Candidates, if we have not heard from you, now is your time. Our questionnaire dives deep into crucial issues, giving you the chance to share your stance with voters. Your responses will be scored objectively, providing voters with valuable insights.

Transparency Matters! We are making all candidate responses public. Voters deserve to know where candidates stand on key issues like criminal justice reform, affordable  housing, and equity. This open process empowers voters with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Scoring System: Responses will be meticulously scored on a scale from 0 to 100, reflecting the depth and clarity of each answer. This standardized approach ensures fairness and helps voters compare candidates on an equal playing field.

Why the Score? The scoring system allows voters to easily gauge the strength and depth of a candidate’s positions. It’s not just about what you say, but how clearly and comprehensively you communicate your vision for the future.

Why a questionnaire? The Nov 5th primary includes positions from the President to your local representative which gives YOU a chance to power up your vote and pick candidates who will fight for our communities to have what we need to thrive. 

Join us on this journey toward a more transparent and informed electorate! We believe in empowering voters with the knowledge they need to invest in their future. Together, let’s make 2024 a year of informed choices and positive change! 

The Deadline is September 24, 2024 at 5pm EST.

Community, we are going to need your help reviewing the questionnaires and scoring responses. If you are some of the power supporters who have been with us this entire journey, we are also going to reach out to you to be apart of the inaugural review committee.   

Please note that if you fail to qualify for the position you were running for or anytime suspend your campaign before the release of our scorecards, the scores will not be made public. 

1Hood Power is thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 Candidate Questionnaire! This year, we’re taking transparency to the next level by scoring responses on a (0-100) scale and making them public. 

We heard your requests and concerns from last year and are excited to announce a better, more engaging questionnaire process to reflect the needs and concerns of the community. #PowerUpElection2024 

The April 23rd primary ballot includes positions from the President to your local representative which gives YOU a chance to power up your vote and pick candidates who will fight for our communities to have what we need to thrive. 

 Candidates, get ready! Our questionnaire dives deep into crucial issues, giving you the chance to share your stance with voters. Your responses will be scored objectively, providing voters with valuable insights.

Transparency Matters! For the first time, we’re making all candidate responses public. Voters deserve to know where candidates stand on key issues like criminal justice reform, affordable  housing, and equity. This open process empowers voters with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Scoring System: Responses will be meticulously scored on a scale from 0 to 100, reflecting the depth and clarity of each answer. This standardized approach ensures fairness and helps voters compare candidates on an equal playing field.

Why the Score? The scoring system allows voters to easily gauge the strength and depth of a candidate’s positions. It’s not just about what you say, but how clearly and comprehensively you communicate your vision for the future.

Join us on this journey toward a more transparent and informed electorate! We believe in empowering voters with the knowledge they need to invest in their future. Together, let’s make 2024 a year of informed choices and positive change! 

Due to the petition season, we are pushing the deadline to the February 16, 2024 at 11 am EST.

Community, we are going to need your help reviewing the questionnaires and scoring responses. If you are some of the power supporters who have been with us this entire journey, we are also going to reach out to you to be apart of the inaugural review committee.   

Candidates who have announced, we will reach out to via your listed email address this week. For those who qualify at the close of the signature period, we will follow up with you, but please note you will have less time to submit the questionnaire. 

Stay tuned for updates, and candidates, check your inboxes for the 2024 Candidate Questionnaire! Let’s power up our reflective democracy and ensure our communities thrive!  

Please note that if you fail to qualify for the position you were running for or anytime suspend your campaign before the release of our scorecards, the scores will not be made public. 

  1. Senate questionnaire:
  2. Congressional questionnaire:
  3. Attorney General questionnaire:
  4. Treasurer / Auditor questionnaire:
  5. General Assembly questionnaire :

#PowerUpElection2024 #PAPol

This primary election season, we focused on districts in SWPA with competitive races. We reached out to candidates through email and social media to gather responses. Below is our the May 2023 Primary Election Candidate Scorecards.

On May 16th, Pennsylvania voters across the Commonwealth are choosing judicial candidates and legislators who will make consequential decisions and policies about how we live our lives including affordable housing, safety, elections, school funding, accessibility and livability. These positions have tremendous power over people’s lives and livelihoods. Below is how candidates fared this cycle. Please note we only reach out to candidates in contested races during the primary.

Organizationally we focus on: criminal justice reform, affordable housing, environmental justice, voting rights and other issues impacting Black Pennsylvanian and Working Class People throughout the Commonwealth.

Please Note No Response indicates the candidates did not submit answers by the deadline or respond to requests

Scoring: Scoring is the result of the average score of staff, volunteers, and contractors. Each candidate receives an individualized rating and those score are tallied and averaged. No judicial candidate is penalized for not answering a question they reasonably believe will come before them in the court of law.

Meet the richest man in Pennsylvania, reportedly worth $30 Billion. His name is Jeff Yass and he’s rigging the rules of our society to work for his right wing agenda. He poses an existential threat to Black and
Brown people, working families, the LGBT community and our democracy itself.
Jeff Yass influences politicians, elections and public policy. He gives money to politicians and advocacy
groups to make laws that harm, punish and attempt to erase our communities. He donates some of his
billions to interest groups or political leaders who are on the wrong side of the issues that matter to us

He funds efforts to privatize our public schools, cut corporate business taxes, outlaw abortion & bust
unions. He also funds anti-immigrant groups that supported the Muslim ban, public officials who aim to
disenfranchise voters of color and lobbying efforts to reinstate mandatory minimum sentences. Jeff Yass
has also given funds to campaigns opposing ‘critical race theory’ in schools and important solutions to
climate change.

He has deep ties to the fossil fuel industry and refers to those in the environmental community as “climate
change hysterical people”. Jeff Yass also supports groups who oppose legislation that would protect
LGBTQ people from discrimination in housing, employment, and other public accommodations. Last but
not least, Yass funds politicians with ties to white nationalism who supported the January 6th insurrection,
promoted QAnon conspiracies and sought to overturn the 2020 election results.

We cannot let Jeffrey Yass continue to undermine democracy, sow division and block progress for Black,
Brown, working class; LGBT communities across PA. We need to bring to light his role in attempting to
reshape our lives, society and democracy. No elected officials should ever take money from Jeff Yass.
We need leaders who represent us and stand up to the billionaires. It is time he is held accountable.
We need to come together to stop Yass from rigging the rules by taking 3 important steps:

  1. Tax the rich and abolish the uniformity clause in Pennsylvania so that billionaires pay
    what they owe to our communities and stop having so much money to pollute our
  2. Pass campaign finance limits in Pennsylvania so those with the most money can’t give
    unlimited campaign donations.
  3. Pass lobbying reform bills, like a gift ban, so billionaires have less influence on

Learn more about Jeff Yass here :


The mission of 1hood power is to build liberated communities through the use of electoral organizing.  

The south comprises one of the largest swaths of Black and Brown voters who have been impacted by voter suppression, disinvestment, and over-policing.  It is here in Georgia that the right to vote has been under attack, and it is here in Georgia where thousands of people are organizing and fighting for a better tomorrow.  Sen Warnock is one of those people.  

Sen Warnock has fought tirelessly for the people of Georgia with legislation to support agriculture advancements, health care for pregnant people, and investments in infrastructure and innovation to get people back to work.  He has worked tirelessly as a son of Georgia 

He has voted to ensure veterans get the healthcare they deserve despite opposition from the Conservative Party.  Warnock is from Georgia and has used his platform to advocate for Georgians, no matter their political affiliation.  His loyalty is to the people of Georgia, not a personal benefactor. 

 One more time Georgia.  We are asking you to make a voting plan and re-elect Raphael Warnock.   

Find your polling place

Early voting ends December 2nd.  

Provisional voting is December 5-6th.  

Election Day is December 6th.  

On Monday night at 7pm, the 1Hood Power Hour will host a candidate forum for the district five council seat.  The council race is a special election happening on November 8th to fill the vacancy left by former council member Corey O’Conner.  The virtual candidate forum will be aired live on the Facebook and YouTube channels of 1Hood Power.  All district five council candidates have been invited.

Confirmed candidates are as follows:

Eugene Boker (R)

Matthew Mahoney(I)

Barbara Warwick (D)

District 5 encompasses Squirrel Hill South, Greenfield, Regent Square, Swisshelm Park, Hazelwood, Glen Hazel, Hays, New Homestead and Lincoln Place.

The Spring Series will feature legitimate candidates who are on the May 17th ballot. Legitimate candidates are party candidates who have registered their campaign and met the required signature threshold, as evidenced by placement on the PA Voter Candidate List.

For independent and third-party candidates, you are ineligible for the spring series as you are not on the may ballot, but we will reach out to you for the Fall Forum Series. This is because Pennsylvania does not have open primaries and only recognized significant party candidates are on the May ballot. 

You may watch the Spring Series every Monday at 7 PM EST on our Facebook and Youtube Channels.

1Hood Power is a social justice electoral organization in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, serving to create liberated communities through political activism. 1Hood Power was born out of a fight for justice to stop mass incarceration, over-policing, and violence in our communities. 

 While we were fighting for racial justice, attacks on elections became rooted in our home state of Pennsylvania. We watched as our community members had polling places changed and received incorrect ballots. We became inundated with messages saying our votes did not matter and our voices had no power.  Then when we organized, we saw the power of our collective vote.  Then we began to see our elected officials move away from our needs for a reflective democracy through expanded voter access. 

As such, we are working to support a  voter agenda that codifies no excuse mail-in/absentee voting, additional drop box sites, automatic and same-day voter registration, and expansive voter protections to include the protection of private identifying data. Currently, Pennsylvania does not have early voting access. Instead, we offer mail-in/absentee voting that allows people to mail their ballots. Yet, with mail delays and ballot errors, we need more protections to ensure everyone has an unrestricted right to the ballot box. 

Prior to the pandemic, Act 77 expanded mail-in voting. Yet, in 2020, there was a grassroots movement to educate people on how to vote by mail, deadlines, and the ballot counting process because the information was not readily available and accessible, especially to those whose primary language is not English or those with assistive devices. 

 During the 2021 election, our own Legislative Director was one of the hundreds of people who received a flawed ballot and had to change their voting plan in-person to ensure the vote was counted. These experiences mean 1Hood Power understands how voting impacts people and how easily people can quickly become disenfranchised from voting. There is an ever-pressing need to ensure voters, no matter where they live, have access to the ballot box. 

Currently, we do not have a set accessible, robust voting opportunity in our regions, which has led to more complications despite increasing voter participation over the past two elections.  As such, 1Hood Power is working to ensure a reflective democracy that includes all of us by educating the public on the rules and regulations of elections, engaging community members around the issues that impact them, and empowering the electorate to demand the creation of the conditions of liberation and equity.

Did you know that your criminal conviction does not automatically bar you from voting in Pennsylvania? Yes, you may vote in Pennsylvania if you have a criminal record. 

Due to the over-policing of communities, many Black Pennsylvanians live with colorful backgrounds, which means limitations to the ballot box based on criminal records will have a disparate impact on the Black population. In years prior, people with convictions were automatically disenfranchised from voting, causing the widespread belief that people could not vote if they were felons or people with a criminal record. 

Since 2000, the law has changed regarding the ways people with criminal convictions can access the ballot box. In Fact, in Pennsylvania, as long as you are not currently serving time for a crime and have not been convicted of an election-related violation in the past four years, you can vote in Pennsylvania. 

This means if you are in the local jail waiting for trial, returning home from a sentence, or even on parole, you may vote in Pennsylvania. 

In Fact, it is estimated that over 30,000 votes are abandoned every year in Pennsylvania because people in the local jails are not aware they have the right to register and vote in Pennsylvania. 

You May NOT Vote in Pennsylvania if 

  1. You are currently serving a sentence of incarceration 
  2. You are in a community or alternative correctional facility for a felony conviction on pre-release status
  3. You have a conviction for violating any provision of the Pennsylvania Election Code within the last four years. 

It is best for you to speak with your probation and parole officer to understand your status, especially if you have stacked sentences or are under a formal supervision release due to covid-19. 

Please note this information is for Pennsylvania voters only. Other states permit voting with a criminal record. Please visit for more details.
