Candidates, if we have not heard from you, now is your time. Our questionnaire dives deep into crucial issues, giving you the chance to share your stance with voters. Your responses will be scored objectively, providing voters with valuable insights.

Transparency Matters! We are making all candidate responses public. Voters deserve to know where candidates stand on key issues like criminal justice reform, affordable  housing, and equity. This open process empowers voters with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Scoring System: Responses will be meticulously scored on a scale from 0 to 100, reflecting the depth and clarity of each answer. This standardized approach ensures fairness and helps voters compare candidates on an equal playing field.

Why the Score? The scoring system allows voters to easily gauge the strength and depth of a candidate’s positions. It’s not just about what you say, but how clearly and comprehensively you communicate your vision for the future.

Why a questionnaire? The Nov 5th primary includes positions from the President to your local representative which gives YOU a chance to power up your vote and pick candidates who will fight for our communities to have what we need to thrive. 

Join us on this journey toward a more transparent and informed electorate! We believe in empowering voters with the knowledge they need to invest in their future. Together, let’s make 2024 a year of informed choices and positive change! 

The Deadline is September 24, 2024 at 5pm EST.

Community, we are going to need your help reviewing the questionnaires and scoring responses. If you are some of the power supporters who have been with us this entire journey, we are also going to reach out to you to be apart of the inaugural review committee.   

Please note that if you fail to qualify for the position you were running for or anytime suspend your campaign before the release of our scorecards, the scores will not be made public. 

The 2024 endorsement process was based upon the recommendations of the staff and our partners organizations. Endorsed candidates have a track record of being in community prior to becoming a candidate and have avowed themselves to working with our impacted communities to support families, reduce harm, increase investment and protect workers.

In order to gauge interests of those running for office and their policy ideas for the communities they serve, we reached out to those running competitive races to fill out our questionnaire. Below are the responses submitted without edit or redaction. If a candidate’s questionnaire is not shown, they did not respond or submit answers by the deadline.

Summer Lee (Incumbent) PA-12

Shamaine Daniels PA-10

Rick Coplen PA-10

Ryan Bizzarro PA- Treasurer

Erin McClelland-Treasurer

Keir Bradford- Grey – Attorney General

Eugene DePasquale – Attorney General

Joe Khan – Attorney General

Abigail Salisbury (incumbent) HD-34

Ashley Comans – HD 34

Joe McAndrew – Incumbent HD-32

Makenzie White SD-45

1Hood Power is thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 Candidate Questionnaire! This year, we’re taking transparency to the next level by scoring responses on a (0-100) scale and making them public. 

We heard your requests and concerns from last year and are excited to announce a better, more engaging questionnaire process to reflect the needs and concerns of the community. #PowerUpElection2024 

The April 23rd primary ballot includes positions from the President to your local representative which gives YOU a chance to power up your vote and pick candidates who will fight for our communities to have what we need to thrive. 

 Candidates, get ready! Our questionnaire dives deep into crucial issues, giving you the chance to share your stance with voters. Your responses will be scored objectively, providing voters with valuable insights.

Transparency Matters! For the first time, we’re making all candidate responses public. Voters deserve to know where candidates stand on key issues like criminal justice reform, affordable  housing, and equity. This open process empowers voters with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Scoring System: Responses will be meticulously scored on a scale from 0 to 100, reflecting the depth and clarity of each answer. This standardized approach ensures fairness and helps voters compare candidates on an equal playing field.

Why the Score? The scoring system allows voters to easily gauge the strength and depth of a candidate’s positions. It’s not just about what you say, but how clearly and comprehensively you communicate your vision for the future.

Join us on this journey toward a more transparent and informed electorate! We believe in empowering voters with the knowledge they need to invest in their future. Together, let’s make 2024 a year of informed choices and positive change! 

Due to the petition season, we are pushing the deadline to the February 16, 2024 at 11 am EST.

Community, we are going to need your help reviewing the questionnaires and scoring responses. If you are some of the power supporters who have been with us this entire journey, we are also going to reach out to you to be apart of the inaugural review committee.   

Candidates who have announced, we will reach out to via your listed email address this week. For those who qualify at the close of the signature period, we will follow up with you, but please note you will have less time to submit the questionnaire. 

Stay tuned for updates, and candidates, check your inboxes for the 2024 Candidate Questionnaire! Let’s power up our reflective democracy and ensure our communities thrive!  

Please note that if you fail to qualify for the position you were running for or anytime suspend your campaign before the release of our scorecards, the scores will not be made public. 

  1. Senate questionnaire:
  2. Congressional questionnaire:
  3. Attorney General questionnaire:
  4. Treasurer / Auditor questionnaire:
  5. General Assembly questionnaire :

#PowerUpElection2024 #PAPol